Visual inspection, deformation inspection using touch


Measurement of strength, roughness, gaps and fit, deviations, angles, compressive/tensile strength, resistance measurement


Loudness inspection – by ear/sound level meter


Functionality inspection


Moment of force inspection/measurement


Inspection of impermeability under pressure


Inspection by endoscope camera




Guarantee of quality service

Reaction time to 1 hour with the start of work within 2 hours, 24/7/365

Enhancing the quality of submitted work by internal auditors trained in VDA 6.3

Unique experience with operation of Warenfilter VW Bratislava and Škoda Auto

Own trained team of more than 90 technicians and coordinators and 600 operators

We provide working equipment, tools and material

Preparation of standard reports and specific statistics outputs

We help automotive manufacturers and their suppliers

  • to improve the quality of their production
  • and to maintain their supplier evaluation.

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